![YOUNGBUM KWON 사진](/sites/sportscienceeng/atchmnfl/pnuProfl/451/temp_1631065422726100.jpg)
- Sport Management and Health Management
- +82 51 510 2722
- ybkwon@pusan.ac.kr
- #505, KyungAm Gymnasium
Youngbum Kwon Ph.D Assistant ProfessorROOM: #505, KyungAm Gymnasium TEL: +82 51 510 2722EMAIL: ybkwon@pusan.ac.kr MAJOR: Sport Management and Health Management |
-University of Michigan, Ph.D. in Sport Management, 2013
-Sung Kyun Kwan University, M.S. in Sports Science, 2009
-Sung Kyun Kwan University, B.S. in Kinesiology, 2002
Previous Positions
-Research Associate, Project Manager, The Center for Sport Marketing Research , Kinesiology, University of Michigan, MI, Sep. 2013 - Aug. 2021
-Data Analyst, University of Michigan - Health Management Research Center, MI, Sep. 2010 - Apr. 2013
-Research Assistant, Kinesiology, University of Michigan, MI, Feb. 2010 - Feb. 2011
-Research Assistant, Professional Specialist Development team for International Sport Diplomacy and Administration in BK 21 project, Sung Kyun Kwan University, Korea, Mar, 2007 - Feb. 2009
Peer-reviewed articles
2. Kwon, Y., & Cornwell, T. B. (2021). Sport sponsorship announcement and stock returns: A meta-analytic review. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship*, 22(3), 608-630. [IF: 2.938]
3. Kwon, Y., & Seo, H. (2021). Employer-sponsored sports programs amid COVID-19: The approach of social capital. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine**, 63(4), 285-290. [IF: 2.162]
4. Kwon, Y. (2021). Online social capital and health: What we know, what we need to know. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine**, 63(1), e42-e43. [IF: 2.162]
5. Kwon, Y., & Seo, H. (2020). COVID-19: A parallel multiple mediation model of fan identification, social media engagement, and stress. Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 22(3), 973-986.
6. Kwon, Y., & Seo, H. (2020). The mediating effect of stress coping strategy between stress appraisal to the COVID-19 outbreak and intention to revisit of professional sports fans. Korean Journal of Sports Science, 29(4), 539-551.
7. Kwon, Y., & Seo, H. (2020). The relationships among team identification, stress-coping behaviors to the COVID-19 outbreak, and intention to revisit of professional sports fans. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 25(4), 47-62.
8. Cornwell, T. B., & Kwon, Y. (2020). Sponsorship-linked marketing: Research surpluses and shortages. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science*, 48(4), 607-629. [Lead Article] [IF: 9.418]
9. Kwon, Y., & Marzec, M. L. (2019). Unpacking the associations between perceived cultural support and employee health: The approach of social capital. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine**, 61(11), 910-915. [IF: 2.162]
10. Kwak, D. H., Lee, J. S., Kwon, Y., & Babiak, K. (2019) Exploring consumer responses to a nationwide breast cancer awareness campaign: The case of the National Football League’s Crucial Catch Campaign. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 19(3/4), 208-232.
11. Kwak, D. H., & Kwon, Y. (2016). Can an organization's philanthropic donations encourage consumers to give? The roles of gratitude and boundary conditions. Journal of Consumer Behaviour*, 15(4), 348-358. [IF: 3.280]
12. Kwon, Y., & Marzec, M. L. (2016). Does worksite Culture of Health (CoH) matter to employees? Empirical evidence using job-related metrics. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine**, 58(5), 448-454.† [IF: 2.162]
13. Kwak, D. H., Kwon, Y., & Lim, C. H. (2015). Licensing a sport brand: Effects of team brand cue, performance priming, and product category on multidimensional values and purchase intentions. Journal of Product and Brand Management*, 24(3), 198-210. [Lead Article] [IF: 4.355]
14. Kwon, Y., Marzec, M. L., & Edington, D. W. (2015). Development and validity of a scale to measure workplace culture of health. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine**, 57(5), 571-577. [IF: 2.162]
15. Kwon, Y., Jeon, N., & Lee, S. (2015). Employees’ engagement in corporate sport initiative and organizational performances: The serial mediating roles of social capital and dynamic capability. Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 17(5), 2301-2311.
16. Lee, S., & Kwon, Y. (2015). Revisiting the measurement of brand equity in the Korean sport industry context: Multidimensional Brand Equity (MBE) and Overall Brand Equity (OBE). Journal of Sport and Leisure Studies, 62, 285-296.
17. Kwon, Y., & Kwak, D. H. (2014). Revisiting the team identification-value-purchase relationship in the team-licensed merchandise consumption context: A multidimensional consumer value approach, Sport Marketing Quarterly*, 23(2), 100-114. [IF: 2.722]
Note: *Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), ** Science Citation Index (SCI), †Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Updated: August 2021