This division was set up in 2006 to fill the void needed for a 21st century sports science and wellbeing culture. The aim of the division is to develop our students to become leaders in not only national sports science fields but internationally. Our exercise prescription program established and developed based on the collaboration of this Division of Sports Science and Pusan National University Hospital is renowned and plays a major in creating a wellbeing culture in the University’s local area by providing health programs and instructors for sports and physical education.
Introduction to Sports
The aim of the sports science is to promote the popularization of sports culture for the future through the practice of various sporting types. Not only do we prepare for practical application of our knowledge in the field but all the students have the opportunity to systematically learn the following theory classes: Exercise prescription, administration for physical education facilities management, exercise physiology, training methods, sports pedagogy, sports marketing, biomechanics, sports nutrition, sports psychology, sports medicine, and sports sociology, etc. Furthermore, graduates will be able to apply this knowledge in the field will help provide them as a big role in maintaining public health and fitness.
Academic Aspects
Students take core courses - exercise prescription, administration of physical educationㆍadministration of facility, exercise physiology, sports training method, sport pedagogy, sports philosophy, sports marketing, biomechanics, sport nutrition, sport psychology, sport coaching theory, sport medicine, sport sociology - based on the application of sports science on Sport for all Field systematically. They also develope practical techniques of sports games which are becoming more common and get the limelight in the future.
Furthermore, they prepare practical techniques relevant to well-being on Sport for all Fields and increase their abilities to keep and improve the public health.
Furthermore, they prepare practical techniques relevant to well-being on Sport for all Fields and increase their abilities to keep and improve the public health.
After graduation
Through the detailed study of the various courses we provide, after graduation students will be able to become instructors and sports scientists in the field of sports. Also, they will have the opportunity to become specialists working in the medicine college in the Pusan National University Hospital in Yangsan for the older and younger populations by implementing exercise prescription and exercise rehabilitation treatments. In addition, graduates will be able to get a job related with sports marketing or in the sports industry. Finally, graduates will be able to test for the lifetime sports instructor and play a major role as a sports instructor to maintain our nation’s wellbeing.