The importance of health and happiness is a concept fast spreading. With this being the future trend of society for the maintenance of health and happiness physical education and sports will take a major role. With this in mind we have developed a customized syllabus focused on developing professional sports instructors and have prepared by hiring a foreign professor and established laboratories with state of the art equipment. Currently, we are doing joint research with the oriental medicine department investigating the concept of Chi, and working with medical graduate school. We also run an annual international seminar and student exchange with Fukuoka University.
The undergraduate division of sports science was established in 2006 followed by the introduction of a master program in 2010 and a doctoral program in 2012. Based on the recognition of the importance and value added to our nations health we have recently introduced the industrial graduate school which focuses highly on the application of theory in the field of sports industry and how it can stimulate our local economy. We endeavor to have the most up to date syllabus to foster our students with the necessary skills and knowledge required in today’s sports field.
Industrial Graduate School - Educational Aims
The aim of our industrial graduate school is to foster sports professionals with the understanding of the added value of well-being and prepare them to be able to get a job in the sports industry. We provide the opportunity to students to get to know people in the industry and help students create links into the various jobs in the sports industry.